MacSword, version 2.1.0 and later versions for, Snow Leopard and Lion with Voiceover
This guide will cover:
1: Uninstalling MacSword.
2: Installing the MacSword program and modules.
3: Using MacSword 2.1.0 and later versions
***If you have a previous version of MacSword on your computer it is best to completely uninstall it. It is necessary to completely uninstall MacSword because a program like MacSword spreads files through out your computer in order to help it to work properly. This section will discuss uninstalling Macsword.
If you have never had MacSword on your computer, skip to "Installing the MacSword program and modules.
Here are a couple of ways to uninstall MacSword.
I used an app called App Cleaner fromhere.
If you click the smart delete button in App Cleaner preferences when you send a file, or, app to the trash Appcleaner will find all of the files and ask you if you want to delete them.
If you would like to delete MacSword manually read the following.
Uninstalling MacSword
1. In Finder, go to Applications using command-shift-a.
2. Interact with the icon scroll area and find MacSword. You may be
able to do this by typing Macs rather quickly. Otherwise browse with
ctrl-option-right-arrow till you find it or use the item chooser. Depending on which version of MacSword you have installed, it may be a folder or just an application.
3. When MacSword is selected, press command-option-backspace to send it
to trash and then you can press command-option-shift-backspace and empty
4. Use command-w to close your applications window. To avoid confusion,
you also should trash any installation files for MacSword you have in Downloads or on your Desktop or anywhere on your computer.
5. Look in your home directory in Library > Preferences for any MacSword files. There should be one ending in .plist. If so, send it to trash and empty the trash.
6. If for some reason you are uninstalling MacSword 1.4.3, there will also be a couple of folders in your home directory under Library > Preferences > Application Support. Browse there with Finder and send both the Sword and MacSword folders to trash and empty the trash.
MacSword should now be completely uninstalled
Installing the MacSword program and modules
Note, Because of differences between this version of MacSword and previous versions, it may be best to uninstall your previous version if you have one before installing the new version. This is probably not absolutely necessary, but may save some confusion as to the location of modules. To uninstall your previous versions or this version of MacSword, see the section above on uninstalling MacSword.
To install MacSword 2.1.0and later versions:
1. Download the zip file from:
Use the download link and then the link that says MacSword-2.1.0, or, a later Your download should start automatically in just a few seconds. If for some reason this doesn't happen, there is a link on the page to click to initiate the download. This is clearly indicated on the page.
2. When your download is completed, MacSword should be mounted on your Desktop. If this for some reason does not happen, go to your default downloads folder--by default this would be Downloads in your home directory (/Users/_your_user_name]/Downloads. From there, you can use vo keys-space to open the .zip file and then vo keys-space again to open/mount the .dmg file.
3. In the image browser for the opened .dmg, you will find a MacSword application and Readmes folder. You can inspect the Readmes folder at your convenience, but for now, move to the MacSword application and press command-c to copy it.
4. Press command-shift-a to go to the Applications folder and press command-v to paste the MacSword application.
5. In your Applications folder open the MacSword application. You may get a dialog asking if you want to open this application since this is your first time opening it; do vo keys-space on open.
6. You may now get a dialog telling you that no MacSword modules can be found and advising you to download and install modules or check your preferences. Just press vo keys-space on "ok".
7. Now you will be in the Modules window. You will see bibles commentaries lexicons devotionals books. These are the categories of the modules you can have in MacSword.
8. Make sure you are connected to the Internet. The following steps for installing MacSword modules using the automated installer require an Internet connection. They are also likely not to work if you are using a slow connection such as a dialup connection; you may get no error messages but will be unable to obtain a list of modules from which to choose for automated installation. In this case, it would be best for you to go somewhere where you can use a non-dialup connection. If you are unable to do this, you will have to resort to downloading and installing modules manually or finding somebody who can send you a cd or dvd containing the modules you need. Manual module download and installation are not at this time covered in this guide.
9. Do vo keys-m to access menus. Right-arrow to the MacSword column and arrow down to the "module installer" and Press enter.
10. You will be in an alert dialog that says this is the first use of the module installer. do you want to refresh the default crosswire install source?" Do vo keys-space on "ok".
11. After a few seconds you may hear the word "toolbar". At any rate, check your window title with vo keys-f2 and you will find that you are in the module manager. You will see two tables with a search text field in between. The first table has "crosswire" in it and probably says "collapsed level zero. The second table has a list of all the available modules--Bibles, commentaries, lexicons, devotionals and books--that can be downloaded. Each row in this second table has the following information: Name; task (with pop-up button to the right); status (all not installed the first time you run the installer); Description; revision; version; and type.
There are two ways you can proceed here.
A. You can look at each row in the table and change the pop-up from "none" to "install" for those items you want to install.
B. If all those rows are a bit overwhelming, you can go into the first table and do a right arrow on the collapsed "crosswire". This will expand the Crosswire into four categories. You can then interact with the first table, move to the category where you want to make selections, stop interacting with the table, move to the second table, and change the tasks pop-up for the items you want to install to "install". You can proceed this way with each category.
12. You can make as many selections as you want to make but remember also that you can run the installer and add more modules or remove modules at any time.
After you have made your selections for this first time, go to the toolbar and press vo keys-space on "process tasks". The installer will install the modules you have selected. You will find in the window if you move with vo keys-right-arrow what item is being installed and the progress of the install. Modules are by default installed in your home folder under Library/Application Support/Sword/modules. The Sword folder as well as a Macsword folder, also in Application Support, are actually created the first time you open the MacSword application.
13 When the installation is completed, close the module manager window with command-w or the close button. Then quit MacSword with command-q. When you reopen the application, all of the modules you have installed will be available to you.
After installing MacSword
After installing MacSword, when you open the program you will be presented with the Work space screen.
If this is your first time to open the program you will be told that you have no modules installed and told to click below to install new ones or manage your modules.
Tab to the manage modules button and click it with VO-spacebar.
Now in the table find Crosswire and while on this interact with the tool bar and press the refresh install source button.
Go back to the table and interact with Crosswire and VO-left once to the collapsed discloser triangle and press VO-spacebar to expand Crosswire.
VO-right arrow to the table where your selections are located and interact with that table.
Now, when you come to a selection that you would like to install, Vo-right arrow to the task none button and VO-spacebar to drop down the menu and arrow down to install and select it with VO keys-spacebar.
When you have made all of your choices go to the toolbar, interact with it and press the process task button with VO keys-spacebar and give it several minutes to finish installing.
You can add MacSword or any other item to the dock by pressing shift-command-t.
Using MacSword, version 2.1.0 and later versions withSnow Leopard and Voiceover
This version is very different from anything that has been done before and it will take a bit of getting use to if you have been a MacSword user for a while. This program has a number of features, but, we will just be dealing with the basics.
The menus are well laid out and will give you a number of choices, but, the one we want to deal with is the file menu.
The first choice in this menu is, new single, submenu, VO-space on this.
You will find 4 choices and we will use the first one, Bible host and it will tell you that the command for this selection is command-shift-N
When you have pressed this command you will be taken in to a window where you can make a number of changes in the way you use MacSword, however for now, Press command-l to bring focus to the search box.
Now, type in your book, chapter and verse selection, like this
John 3.16 and press enter.
Now, backtab to read your verse.
If you have a number of Bible translations installed you can add another one to this screen by tabbing to the plus menu button and VO-space on this button. You will find a list which will give you a choice of ,
Bible submenu,
Commentary submenu. Press enter on Bible and you will see all of the Bible translations that you have installed. You may choose one by pressing enter and the new translation will open to the same selected verse just to the right, or, above, or, below your original selection depending on your version..
You can open a commentary to the same selected verse by following the process given above and the commentary selections will appear below, or, above your Bible translations, depending on your version.
If you want to know which translation or commentary you are reading, VO-up arrow once to the button above the current window and you will hear the name of the translation or commentary.
Word or phrase search
While on the search text field, press command-r to switch look up type. No other feed back is given other than the words "switch look up type". One press of this command will allow you to type in a book chapter and verse and another press will allow you to type in a phrase.
Backtab to see the results of your search.
Verses in context
Once you have found a verse and you would like to see how it is placed in the chapter, VO keys-Left arrow to the text context button and drop down the menu with the down arrow keys and choose the number of verses you wish your context to contain.
Using book marks,
To create a book mark, while you are on the text you wish to book mark, open the context menu with VO keys-shift-m and arrow down to create a bookmark.
To find and use your bookmark,
In the workspace between the left sidebar and the manage modules button is a table.
Arrow down to bookmarks and make sure that it is expanded.
Now arrow down to your bookmark and use the context menu with VO keys-shift-m and arrow down to, open book mark in new view and press enter.
To remove a bookmark,
Use the context menu and arrow down to remove bookmark.
Using Strongs numbers
Tab, or, back tab to "mod options and press down arrow to drop down a menu.
Arrow down to "show Strongs numbers and VO-space.
***When you have finished using Strongs numbers, or, any other choice in this menu, you must go back and dropdown the menu again and uncheck the selection with VO keys-spacebar.
Now, tab to the text.
You will notice numbers imbeded in the text.
While interacting with the text, find the word for which you want the Strongs definition and with VO keys-shift and the arrow keys move just to the right of the word and the number will be in a link.
Now, press VO keys-shift-m to bring up the context menu.
Arrow down to, "open link" and press enter.
Tab to the text window for your definition.
Close this window with command-w.
Keyboard commands
Bible host, to open a new Bible window, command-shift-N
Focus on the search text box with command-l
Switch look up type, command-r
Next book, command-down arrow
Previous book, command-up arrow
Next chapter, command-right arrow
Previous chapter, command-left arrow
This guide written and edited by:
Cheryl Homiak and
Keith Reedy
Disclaimer: The information on this site is provided as
a public service to the blind and visually handicapped community. While we have
done our best to ensure the information provided is accurate, please realize
the use of any information on this site is solely at your discretion and we
take no responsibility for use or attempted use of this information. |